2021-10-01 Could CCP’s murder-for-profit transplant industry emerge in other countries?

Information source: Falun Dafa Information Centre, USA

DID YOU KNOW? IN THE TRANSPLANT MARKET, THE CHINESE REGIME IS THE SOLE STATE-SANCTIONED PLAYER WITH A MURDER-FOR-PROFIT INDUSTRY. And now, China may be rewriting medical standards to entice other regimes to follow suit. This was one of many revelations presented at The World Summit on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting international webinar, which also disclosed estimates that more than a million have died due to forced organ harvesting.

Countries that follow ethical medical procedures cannot compete: it’s cheaper and faster for patients to get organs in China. This economic reality alone could push other regimes to follow Beijing’s macabre methods.

But the world is also waking up to the CCP’s crimes. A petition campaign in 2018 addressed to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights garnered over 3 million signatures across the globe. This month, over 400,000 viewers attended World Summit live webinar sessions. And now you also have an opportunity to refuse the CCP’s encroachment of our medical ethics by adding your signature to the Universal Declaration on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting here.

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