2021-08-03 The USA Human Rights Trophy Arrived

On 16 July 2021, I was presented with the 2021 Friends of Falun Gong Human Rights Award in Washington DC. I regret that because of COVIS-19 Sydney lockdown I was not able to travel to Washington DC to receive the award in person. For my address delivered at the award ceremony see: 2021-07-18 The 2021 Friends of Falun Gong Human Rights Award, Washington DC, 16 July 2021, Statement by Prof Sev Ozdowski, | Dr Sev Ozdowski AM

Enclosed is the photo of the Human Rights Trophy that arrived in Sydney today. It is a beautifully hand-crafted piece of art that was manufactured at a jewellery factory in New York City. Enclosed is a short documentary about the factory that crafted this beautiful trophy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TX-Rxz0egiw&lc=Ugy2cPNVzeCuTP8n1uV4AaABAg

Thank you to all who helped with the acknowledgement of my work to advance human rights in China. The Trophy will be displayed in a very prominent place.

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