2018-10-12 China legalises oppression of Muslims in Xinjiang

According to article written by Zia Ahmad published in Australasian Muslim newspaper Times on 12 October 2018 Chinese government has legalised the internment of up to a million Uyghur Muslims in the province of Xinjiang by revising a law on Tuesday 9 October to “carry out anti-extremist ideological education and psychological and behavioural correction to promote thought transformation.”

The updated law, Article 133 now acknowledges the existence of mass detentions in re-education camps in Xinjiang, where former detainees accuse the Chinese government of suppressing the practice of Islam and stamping out Uyghur language and culture.

Under the new rules, all officials and police in the region must make a declaration that they are “loyal Communist Party members” and “don’t have any religious belief.” Their only faith can be “Marxism and Leninism,” and they must agree to “fight against ‘pan-halalisation’ thoroughly.”

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