2018-06-22 Australian Multicultural Council Appointments

The Hon. Alan Tudge MP, Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, has announced the appointments to the Australian Multicultural Council for 3-year term starting on 22 June 2018. The new Council is made up of five current and eight new members; I have been asked to continue as the Council’s Chair for another three years.

Australian Multicultural Council is a national body established to advise Federal government on a range of issues relating to multicultural policies and programs with special focus delivering cohesive and harmonious Australia with opportunities for all. For more about the council see: http://minister.homeaffairs.gov.au/alantudge/Pages/expanded-australian-multicultural-council.aspx

I am delighted to be able to continue my work with the government to advance programs and policies aimed at building strong, integrated, and cohesive communities. Our vibrant multicultural society is a result of the successful integration of migrants around shared values of respect, equality, and freedom. Integration ensures that newcomers can contribute to our economic prosperity and participate fully in our society.

My sincere thanks to a number of you who have written to congratulate me on my reappointment. In particular, I wish to thank you Ms Mary Patetsos, the Chairperson of the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia for her warm congratulations on behalf of FECCA.

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