2013-08-08 Human Rights Education in the School Curriculum Published

Human Rights Education in the School Curriculum Published
The all important report Human Rights Education in the School Curriculum has been published.The report was produced by Dr Nina Burridge, Executive Member of the Australian Council for Human Rights Education and Co-Director of Cosmopolitan Civil Societies Research Centre at  the University of Technology, Sydney, and her team.

The reports documents the first national Australian investigation on the place of human rights education in our schools across Australia and concludes that “Australia has still not achieved a systematic and integrated approach to human rights education. Whole school approaches to human rights remain the exception, and the implementation of human rights education initiatives is largely dependent on the interest and goodwill of individual teachers.”  /…/  “In absence of an effective integration of human rights education into the new national curriculum, Australian schools are likely to continue to find it difficult to prioritise human rights issues to the extent necessary to have a sustained impact on student learning”.

This important report needs to be brought into attention to our politicians and in particular Education Ministers both on Federal and State level.

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